Ocean Acidification: A Growing Threat to Marine Ecosystems and our World

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Graph Showing the atmospheric carbon dioxide level, and pH value/carbon dioxide level of seawater (Image credit: Smithsonian).

Ocean acidification is a problem that frequently gets overlooked in favor of its more well-known problem in a time when climate change is at the forefront of environmental worries worldwide. This subtle but deadly danger to marine ecosystems is primarily caused by the increasing absorption of carbon dioxide by our seas.

While the obvious consequences of climate change such as temperature increases and harsh weather command our attention, the seas are struggling with their own issue. The term “ocean acidification” describes the continuous lowering of seawater’s pH due to atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, the ocean has absorbed around one-third of the CO2 emissions caused by human activity, essentially serving as a buffer for the globe. Marine life, however, pays a heavy price for this service.

The basic chemistry of the ocean acidification process is its source. Seawater absorbs carbon dioxide, which then combines with the water to make carbonic acid. The acid then splits into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions, which raises the acidity overall and lowers pH values. The ocean gets more acidic the more CO2 it takes in.

The catastrophic effects of ocean acidification on marine life, especially corals, shellfish, and other creatures that depend on calcium carbonate to form their skeletons and shells, are among the phenomenon’s most concerning effects. These species find it harder to get the essential calcium carbonate when ocean acidity rises, which weakens their shells and slows their development. This can cause important species to dwindle and food chains to break, upsetting the delicate balance of marine ecosystems.

The “rainforests of the sea,” as coral reefs are sometimes referred to, are especially susceptible to ocean acidification. Corals find it more difficult to retain their calcium carbonate structures in the presence of rising acidity, which leaves them more vulnerable to erosion and storm damage. The marine biodiversity that these reefs sustain risk a dangerous future as they erode.

Furthermore, the world’s fisheries are significantly impacted by ocean acidification. The acidic waters also pose a threat to several species that are significant to the economy, such as clams and oysters. Weakened shells and slower growth might affect the livelihoods of individuals who rely on them for money and subsistence, resulting in reduced yields.

In addition to endangering marine ecosystems, ocean acidification is a major contributor to the global climate system. The world’s seas absorb extra CO2, which lowers atmospheric CO2 levels and lessens the consequences of global warming. There is a cost associated with this service, though. Over time, the oceans’ capacity to absorb CO2 may be weakened due to their rising acidity. This has the potential to worsen global warming by creating a damaging feedback loop in which rising ocean temperatures raise atmospheric CO2 levels, which in turn causes rising ocean acidification.

Ocean acidification mitigation calls for coordinated action on several fronts. Key actions consist of:

1. Cutting CO2 Emissions: Cutting carbon emissions is the most efficient strategy to stop ocean acidification. Efficient actions include encouraging energy efficiency, shifting to renewable energy sources, and putting carbon capture technology into practice.

2. Adaptive techniques: To lessen the effects of ocean acidification on nearby populations and ecosystems, adaptive techniques for vulnerable marine species and ecosystems can be developed. Examples of these include breeding programs for acid-resistant marine life.

3. Marine Protected Areas: Creating marine protected areas that restrict pollution and fishing will help lessen the additional stressors that marine organisms that are impacted by ocean acidification must contend with.

4. Raising Public Awareness: It’s critical to inform people about the effects of ocean acidification and how it relates to climate change. Raising awareness can motivate people to support individual acts and policy reforms.

The quiet threat lurking under the waves—ocean acidification—serves as a sobering reminder of how interrelated environmental issues are. It emphasizes how critical it is to handle climate change and all of its effects head-on. Failing to do so might upset the delicate balance of the planet’s climate system in addition to posing a continued threat to marine life.

Ocean acidification may be slowed down with coordinated worldwide efforts to cut carbon emissions, save delicate marine habitats, and increase public awareness. By doing this, we defend not just the health of our world overall but especially the seas and the life they sustain.

Written by Shi Ka Li

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