The Middle East and Central Asia find themselves at the forefront of a climate crisis that demands immediate and decisive action. A recent analysis reveals that temperatures in the region have risen at twice the global average rate, accompanied by erratic and diminishing rainfall. This alarming trend poses a threat not only to the environment but also to the stability of fragile states, potentially exacerbating conflicts and taking a toll on both people and economies. The urgency of the situation is underscored by the fact that current global commitments fall significantly short of the ambitious targets set by the Paris Agreement.
From devastating floods in Libya and Pakistan to droughts in Somalia, the far-reaching consequences of climate change are impossible to ignore. Record temperatures during scorching heat waves have become the new normal, leaving farmlands parched and rivers depleted. Violent storms batter coastal areas, adding another layer of complexity to the challenges faced by vulnerable communities.
The economic and social costs of climate change are staggering. Over the past three decades, shifting temperature and rainfall patterns have eroded per capita incomes and significantly altered the sectoral composition of output and employment. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) reveals that the economic disruptions caused by climate change not only endanger food security but also undermine public health, leading to a ripple effect of poverty, inequality, displacement, political stability, and even conflict.
Fragile and conflict-affected states bear the brunt, experiencing four times higher output losses after climate-related weather shocks, compounding their existing fragility. Climate displacement crises, as witnessed in Somalia, exemplify the destructive consequences and human toll of climate change, where vulnerable countries and regions find themselves grappling with a deadly combination of environmental and socio-political challenges.
The urgency of addressing climate change is underscored by the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP28. This global forum provides an opportunity for leaders and policymakers to discuss and implement policies crucial for mitigating the impact of climate change. However, the analysis indicates that current commitments globally would only achieve an 11 percent reduction in emissions by the end of the decade, falling significantly short of the 25 to 50 percent required by the Paris Agreement. The onus is on all countries, particularly those in the Middle East and Central Asia, to step up their efforts.
To confront the climate crisis head-on, governments in the region must elevate their goals for both climate adaptation and emissions reduction. The IMF suggests that investing up to 4 percent of GDP annually is imperative to bolster climate resilience and meet the ambitious 2030 emissions reduction targets. This calls for a strategic approach, particularly in light of higher borrowing costs and existing constraints on government spending powers.
Attracting private finance is identified as a critical element in bridging financing gaps. In this context, measures such as accelerated fuel subsidy reform, carbon taxes, and other climate regulations could alleviate funding burdens and provide investors with clearer signals. Many countries in the region, including Morocco, Jordan, and Tunisia, have already taken steps to improve water management practices and address climate challenges.
Despite these positive strides, the IMF emphasizes the need for more ambitious climate action. Both adaptation and mitigation policies must be expanded and reinforced. Policymakers should prioritize comprehensive strategies that not only address immediate crises but also prepare for the longer-term consequences of climate change.
Implementing effective climate policies often requires economic trade-offs. While reducing fuel subsidies or pricing carbon emissions promises long-term gains, they may incur transition costs in the near term due to significant shifts in economic behavior. Policymakers are urged to find a balanced mix of policies that consider both short-term and long-term gains.
The scale of the climate challenge necessitates global and regional initiatives, such as COP28 and the IMF’s Resilience and Sustainability Facility. These platforms are instrumental in fostering cross-border collaboration, transferring valuable technical knowledge, and catalyzing funding sources to meet the region’s substantial adaptation and mitigation climate financing needs.
As the Middle East and Central Asia grapple with the harsh realities of climate change, urgent and concerted action is imperative. COP28 stands as a crucial forum for leaders to not only discuss policies but also to implement tangible measures that address the region’s unique challenges. The call for increased investment, private finance, and ambitious climate goals is a rallying cry.
Written by Shika Li