Longest Ever Hollywood Strike Comes to an End

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A deal including a 7% wage boost has been struck between actors and Hollywood, ending the strikes (Image Credit: Reuters).

Following many grueling months, Hollywood’s actors unions have finally reached a deal with studios, bringing an end to the strike. This strike which has lasted four months, would make it the longest strike ever, for Hollywood-related actors. 

The end of the strike means actors will soon return to resume productions for the movies and shows that were put on halt as a result of the strike, including “Gladiator 2″, Deadpool 3,”, etc. Furthermore, the end of the strike also means actors will be able to resume advertising for their own shows and movies, such as through such means as returning to red carpets, talk shows, etc.

As for the deal itself, it mainly focuses on better treatment for actors, but also with a heavy emphasis on the usage of AI in films and shows. 

The main points of the deal itself are:

– A 7% increase in wages, with another 4% increase by July 2024, followed by a 3.5% bump later in July 2025.

– Performers would be able to receive a streaming bonus, along with residuals, as long as their program is viewed by 20% of the streaming platforms’ domestic subscribers, but this must be from the initial 90 days of the release.

– During the casting and auditioning process, performers won’t be required to memorize anything scripted, use expensive filming equipment to film themselves, appear nude, or perform any stunts, along with many other protections for actors.

– To prevent sexual harassment, producers need to try to hire intimacy coordinators for any scene including nudity or simulated sex. Producers must also provide as much information as possible to any background actors who perform nude or simulated sex during filming.

Besides simply the general benefits to actors, the deal greatly focuses on AI usage in film. Mainly, the usage of digital replicas, with the actor’s voice or likeliness, to perform in the actor’s place. The deal first “ensures clear and conspicuous” consent is obtained from the performer. The performer is then paid for any number of days they would have been required to perform featuring their digital replica. The deal then goes on to secure compensation to actors whose digital replica may be used, such as how if a digital replica of a background actor is used to portray the main character, the background actor then must be paid for the days they would have worked in person, along with any residuals they would have gotten.  

The deal also provides protection for background actors from potentially being replaced, declaring, “Replicas must not be used to meet the background counts for the day. Replicas will not be used to avoid the engagement of background actors.”

Written by Kevin Han

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